Theresa May
master practitioner of NLP, hypnotherapy, life coaching, reiki master/teacher and intuitive guide
I feel that journaling is an important part of my personal and spiritual growth. Its a great way to process my dreams, visions, and inspirations
Theresa May
Theresa May owner of Heaven On Earth Healing is a Mindbody Integrative therapist of multi-disciplines of holistic medicine and a lifelong practitioner and guide in ancient spiritual studies.
These include hypnotherapy, past life regression, stress management, tools for people with anxiety, NLP, several studies in energy medicine, and meditation practices, intuition and mediumship development, core shamanism, sacred ceremony, space clearing, and studies in peace communication and facilitating peace circles. She has been in private practice since 1998 and continues to serve public and private organizations.
During this 2020 pandemic, she is working on a course guide book called, Awaken The Seeds of Personal Power, and anticipates launching her online courses early in 2021.
Theresa blogs here on her site and also at Dao Cloud healing modalities the social network for wellness.
Credentials, Diplomas, background experiences
Master Hypnotherapist
Master practitioner of NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Master practitioner of HNLP, Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology
Therapeutic Coaching
Reiki master/teacher (1998 - 2003 The Meta Institute)
Psych-K training 2009
Qigong healer and teacher (1998 - 2009 Chunyi Lin founder, Spring Forest Qigong)
Tai Chi Chih accredited (2001 - nationally with )
The Reconnection Healing (2003 D.C. Eric Pearl)
Core Shamanism "Basic Core Shamanism", "Dying & Beyond", "Shamanic Dreamwork" (1998 - 2015 Michael Harner founder, Timothy Cope, The Foundations for Shamanic Studies)
More To Life personal growth weekend trainings 2009
Landmark Forum, Advanced, SELP personal development 2014
First Peace Process, Principles of Peace & Wisdom Council training (2008 - 2010 WindEagle and RainbowHawk founders, Ehama Institute)
Shiatsu ABT Asian Bodywork Therapist including: Namikoshi, Zen shiatsu, Anma shiatsu, Tuina, Jin Shin Do, Ampuku, Foot Reflexology, Sooji Hand Therapy, Practitioner of TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guasha, Cupping, Moxibustion (1998 MCSS Minnesota Center for Shiatsu Studies now called Center Point)