Heaven on Earth Healing

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My Morning Practice - Deep Listening - 9/06/17

9/06/17 - Sacred Listening and Asking

Vision & msg: “More light coming for you around the bend, in the future”

Vision: I am on the ground inside of a cavernous space inside the earth, I am looking up at a balcony-like entrance (no staircase connecting us)  light beings are standing there looking down at me or my surroundings, they are touring - watching - observing- visitors. 

Vision & msg: “A new dawning, the light is piercing through obvious structures that are still present, still left behind, still standing.”

Vision: I’m on a school bus with others, we’re waiting for instructions, anticipating someone will be speaking to us soon, like a tour guide.

The Sacred Mountain Meeting with the Light bearers

Vision: I’m shown a very long and steep staircase made of stone built into the side of a mountain.  The stairs are carved stone, leading upwards, very steep climb, to a brief enclosure into the mountain with a large opening right into the mountainside, and opens to a large flat stone protruding like a balcony ledge/enclave.  Many beings of the light wearing a simple but beautiful dress, these light-bearers are already there standing on this balcony waiting for the gathering. 

Vision and msg: I am shown an ancient stone fireplace, barren there is no wood or fire.”Stoke your Own Fire your own furnace”  Oh! This is correct. My life force has been weak for some time.

Q: Is there a way to do this most effectively?

Vision and msg: I see some Sanskrit symbols flash before me. And I am standing at the feet of a very large stone Egyptian statue of a god or goddess, I only see the feet and I am standing next to them.  “They have a tower a vertical pathway that leads upward beyond your world high above your atmosphere to another world.” This reminds of a similar vision I received in a dream that my grandpa May was standing at the lower level entrance welcoming and greeting little soul children that were leaving the physical world and transitioning to the next, while I was also assisting doing healing work on the heart chakras of a group of teen boys healing them from the gang violence they were accustomed to. As they hear my thoughts and remembering they say  “All enter this tower/vertical bridge”

Q: Are these Sanskrit symbols like mantras? (I was thinking about Deepak Chopra’s book)

Vision  and msg: I’m shown a throne/chair/seat with a powerful light and energy column beaming and infusing, in their words “This power comes to the one who chooses to sit there.” 

MEDITATION W/ THE MANTRAS  dreamed a day or 2 later of Deepak showing up in my dream. He is one of my teachers.